Proximity pane

The Proximity pane shows an abstract view of who should be placed near whom.

Note The table is symmetric, if you change the proximity for column A and row B, the proximity for row B and column A will change automatically.

You can move around the table and change values using the arrow keys, Space bar and Return key.

Changes to the proximity only take effect when you move the focus to another cell.

Select from Guest name to change how the guest names are displayed.

Use Find row and Find column to quickly find guest rows and columns. The appropriate row/column will be found by trying to find a name that starts with the text entered. If that can't be found it will look for a name that contains the text entered.

Default proximity values are set automatically for guests when they are added as a couple, family or group, but you can add to or override as you wish. For example, if you add Mr & Mrs A as a couple they will be automatically assigned proximity Next to (a will appear in the cells where the columns and rows for Mr A and Mrs A intersect). The automatic layout will then try to put them next to each other. To change this proximity to Not next to (perhaps they have had an argument!) click on the cell and select from the drop-down list. Press the Return key or move to another cell to confirm the change.

Hint If you want to change the proximity for everyone in a group it is easier to select a group (in the Groups pane) or more than one guest (in the Guests pane or Groups pane) and then select Edit|Proximity.

You can set the proximity for everyone on a table by selecting the table and then Edit|Proximity. This can be useful for arranging multiple seatings.

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