Print a multi-page floor plan in Paint

If you don't have access to a large (e.g. A3) printer you can export the floor plan from PerfectTablePlan to create multi-page prints in Microsoft Paint on Windows:

  1. Start PerfectTablePlan.

  2. Open your plan using File| Open... .

  3. Select File| Export| Floor plan... .

  4. From Save as type select PNG image file (*.png).

  5. Choose a sensible name and location for the image file and click the Save button.

  6. Exit PerfectTablePlan.

  7. Start Microsoft Paint from Window Start|All programs|Accessories|Paint . (Note We can accept no liability for you installing or using third party software).

  8. Select File|Open... . The Open window will appear. Browse to the exported floor plan file and click Open.

  9. Under Scaling select Fit to and enter an appropriate number of pages across and down.

  1. Click the OK button.

  2. Select File|Print Preview to check all is OK. If satisfied click on the Print... button.

The procedure should be similar for other graphics applications - just export a text file using File| Export| Floor plan.. and then print it on multiple pages.

Note To export the image as large as possible check export/copy image as large as possible in the Preferences window.

Next: Print to poster size >>