Preferences window

The Preferences window allows you to change the behaviour of the software according to your preferences. Changes apply to all plans edited by the current user henceforth, not just the current plan. To display this window:


select Edit|Preferences




select PerfectTablePlan|Preferences


Check when saved to create a back-up file each time you save a plan.

Check on auto-layout to create a back-up file each time you run an auto-layout.

Check automatically every to create a back-up file at the specified time interval. The plan will only be backed-up if it has been changed during this time.

Check show tool tips to display helpful tool tips when you hover the mouse over controls and seats in the Floor plan pane and Table plan pane.

Check automatically capitalise names to automatically capitalise guests titles, first names and last names as they are entered (e.g. convert mr john smith automatically to Mr John Smith).

Check export/copy image as large as possible to make Floor plan or Table plan images created by exporting or copying to the clipboard as large as possible (each seat up to 500 pixels across, depending on the amount of memory available). If this box is unchecked images will be exported/copied as standard size (each seat up to 100 pixels across, depending on the amount of memory available).

Set export/copy image margin to the % margin you want around Floor plan or Table plan images created by exporting or copying to the clipboard.

Check allow file locking to lock open plan files so that only a single user can write to them (any number can read). This is useful when you have multiple users accessing shared plans across a network. File locking is not available on Windows 98 or MacOSX.

Select Floor/Table Plan pane mouse wheel behaviour according to whether you want the mouse wheel to zoom or scroll in the Floor plan pane and Table plan pane. Hold down the Ctrl/ key while moving the mouse wheel to get the opposite behaviour.

Select Allow seat assignment with RSVP according to which RSVP statuses you wish to allow guests to be assigned with. Changing this the selection can cause guests to be unassigned from their seats if their RSVP status is incompatible with the new setting.

Auto layout

Select seconds if you wish the automatic layout to stop after the specified number of seconds. We recommend at least 30 seconds. If you have a lot of guests or a very slow PC you may have to increase this time.

Select attempts without improvement if you wish the automatic layout to stop after a specified number of attempts without improvement. We recommend you allow at least 10 attempts. If you set this number very high and have a lot of guests or a very slow PC the automatic layout may run for a long time.

Select whichever happens first to stop when either of the above criteria is met, e.g. the automatic layout has run for x seconds or y attempts without an improvement.

Note You can stop the automatic layout at any time by pressing the Stop button or the Esc key. This will keep the best layout so far.

See automatic layout for a discussion of automatic layout times.

Check Alternate males and females if you want the automatic layout to try to alternate males and females around each table (e.g. M-F-M-F-M-F...).


Check warn on delete guest or group to confirm each guest or group deletion.

Check warn on delete table to confirm each table deletion.

Check warn if auto layout will re-assign guests to confirm each time the automatic layout will re-assign unlocked guests to new seats.

Check warn if guests have duplicate names to confirm adding a guest with the same title, first name and last name as an existing guest.


Click OK to accept the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes. Changes to this window affect all plans.

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