Print window

The Print window is displayed when you print the front pane in the Top pane. To display this window select File| Print or the equivalent Main tool bar button. The exact controls visible will depend on the type of pane being printed.

Check Scale to fit to scale the print to fit on a single page.

Check Centred to centre the print on the page(s).

Use Margin to add an empty margin around the printed tables and seats. This can be useful for making space for the header and footer text, or to stop words being printed across a page boundary. If Centred is checked Margin only effects the number of pages required. You need to unselect Centred for fine control over positioning.

Change Display page to preview the different pages when there is more than one.

Printer shows the printer currently selected. Size shows the current paper size (not displayed for non-standard sizes). Click the Setup button to select a different printer, page size or set-up using the Print setup window.

Use the Orientation drop-down list to change between Landscape (wide) and Portrait (tall) paper orientations.


The Orientation drop-down list is not available on the Macintsoh.

Use Header and Footer to add header and footer text to your printout. Click on the Text... button to change the header or footer text. Use the Font... and colour buttons to vary the fonts and colour of the header and footer. Use the position spin box to change the height of the header and footer text.

We would really appreciate a mention of in the footer!

See also:

Export to PDF format

How to print a multi-page floor plan in paint

Next: Print setup window >>